Taco G4218L Liquid to Liquid U-Tube Heat Exchanger

Diameter 4 in.
Type 2 Pass
Length 108 in.
Working Pressure 150 PSI        

Taco Heat Exchangers are of the shell and tube type. The U-shaped tube design provides a long service life by eliminating the effects of thermal expansion and contraction. These heat exchangers feature carbon steel components, with copper tubes, and a rugged cast iron head.

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Taco Steam to Water and Taco Liquid to Liquid complete heat exchangers. 2 and 4 pass units, 4″ nominal thru 30″ nominal come ASME Certified Standard from factory.

Taco heat exchangers can be ordered with CRN registration (optional) and provide efficient heat transfer in many applications ranging from HVAC to Industrial installations. Taco Shell & Tube heat exchangers provide a high degree of flexibility in materials to meet various designs for high-pressure applications in oil refineries and other large chemical processes.


Standard Copper (tubes), carbon steel (shell, tube sheet, baffles) Optional Brass (tubes, tube sheets, baffles), bronze (heads), stainless steel (tubes, tube sheets, heads, shells, baffles), 90/10 Cu-Ni (tubes)

• Carbon steel shell, tubesheet and baffles
• Heavy-duty U-shaped copper tubes
• 2 and 4-pass construction
• Constructed in accordance with ASME Boiler Code Section viii, Division 1
• 4” to 30” (102 mm to 762 mm) diameter in varying lengths[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]